Thurbon, E., SY Kim, H. Tan and J. Mathews (2023):  Developmental Environmentalism: State Ambition and Creative Destruction in East Asia’s Clean Energy Shift. Oxford University Press.

Thurbon, E. 2016: Developmental Mindset: The Revival of Financial Activism in South Korea. Ithaca, Cornell University Press. (Cornell Studies in Money Series edited by E. Helleiner and J. Kirshner) 

Weiss, L., Thurbon, E. C., & Mathews, J. (2007). National Insecurity. St Leonards, NSW: Allen and Unwin. 

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Rethel, L., & Thurbon, E. (2020). Introduction: Finance, Development and the State in East Asia. New Political Economy, 25(3), 315-319. doi:10.1080/13563467.2018.1562435 

Thurbon, E. (2015). 10 years after the Australia-US free trade agreement: where to for Australia’s trade policy?. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 69(5), 463-467.  doi:10.1080/10357718.2015.1048784 


Mathews, J.A. , Thurbon, E., Kim, S. Y., & Tan, H. (2022). Gone with the wind: how state power and industrial policy in the offshore wind power sector are blowing away the obstacles to East Asia’s green energy transition. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy

Thurbon, E., Kim, S. Y., Mathews, J. A., & Tan, H. (2021). More ‘Creative’ Than ‘Destructive’? Synthesizing Schumpeterian and Developmental State Perspectives to Explain Mixed Results in Korea’s Clean Energy Shift. Journal of Environment and Development, 30(3), 265-290. doi:10.1177/10704965211013491 

Weiss, L., & Thurbon, E. (2021). Explaining Divergent National Responses to Covid-19: An Enhanced State Capacity Framework. New Political Economy. 27(4), 697-712.  doi:10.1080/13563467.2021.1994545 

Tan, H., Thurbon, E., Kim, S. Y., & Mathews, J. A. (2021). Overcoming incumbent resistance to the clean energy shift: How local governments act as change agents in coal power station closures in China. Energy Policy, 149. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112058 

Weiss, L., & Thurbon, E. (2021). Developmental State or Economic Statecraft? Where, Why and How the Difference Matters. New Political Economy, 26(3), 472-489. doi:10.1080/13563467.2020.1766431 

Thurbon, E. (2020). The Future of Financial Activism in Taiwan? The Utility of a Mindset-centred Analysis of Developmental States and Their Evolution. New Political Economy, 25(3), 320-336. doi:10.1080/13563467.2018.1562436 

Thurbon, E., & Weiss, L. (2021). Economic statecraft at the frontier: Korea’s drive for intelligent robotics. Review of International Political Economy, 28(1), 103-127. doi:10.1080/09692290.2019.1655084 

Weiss, L., & Thurbon, E. (2018). Power paradox: how the extension of US infrastructural power abroad diminishes state capacity at home. Review of International Political Economy, 25(6), 779-810. doi:10.1080/09692290.2018.1486875 

Thurbon, E. C. (2016). Trade Agreements and the Myth of Policy Constraint in Australia. Australian Journal of Political Science. 54(4), 636-651. doi:10.1080/10361146.2016.1239569 

Thurbon, E. C. (2015). The Abandonment of Procurement-Linked Strategic Activism in Australia: Standing Still with Room to Move. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 69(5), 577-594. doi:10.1080/10357718.2015.1048780 

Kim, S. Y., & Thurbon, E. (2015). Developmental Environmentalism: Explaining South Korea’s Ambitious Pursuit of Green Growth. Politics and Society, 43(2), 213-240. doi:10.1177/0032329215571287 

Thurbon, E. C. (2014). The Resurgence of the Developmental State: A Conceptual Defence. Critique Internationale, 63 (April/May), 59-75. doi:10.3917/crii.063.0059 

Weiss, L., Thurbon, E. C., & Mathews, J. (2006). Free trade in mad cows: how to kill a beef industry. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 60(3), 376-399. 

Thurbon, E. C., & Weiss, L. (2006). Investing in Openness: The Evolution of FDI Strategy in South Korea and Taiwan. New Political Economy, 11(1), 1-22. 

Weiss, L., & Thurbon, E. C. (2006). The Business of Buying American: Public Procurement as Trade Strategy in the USA. Review of International Political Economy, 13, 701-721. 

Thurbon, E. C., & Weiss, L. (2006). From Player to Pawn: Howard’s Trade Legacy. Australian Journal of Public Affairs, February, Web. 

Thurbon, E. C. (2003). Ideational inconsistency and institutional inertia: Why financial liberalisation in South Korea went horribly wrong. New Political Economy, 8(3), 341-61. 

Weiss, L., & Thurbon, E. C. (2004). Where there’s a will there’s a way: Governing the market in times of uncertainty. Issues and Studies, 401, 61-72 

Thurbon, E.C. (2001). Two Paths to Financial Liberalization: South Korea and Taiwan. The Pacific Review. 14(2), 241-67.    



Thurbon, E. (2021). Australia and the Rules of International Trade and Finance. In M. Conley Tyler, A. Gyngell, & B. Wakefield (Eds.), Australia and the Rules-Based International Order. Canberra. Australian  Institute of International Affairs. 

Thurbon, E., & Weiss, L. (2020). The State of Development in a Globalized World. In E. Vivares (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy: Conversations and Inquiries. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781351064545 

Weiss, L. & Thurbon. (2020) E. MNCs and State Infrastructural Power. In Mikler, J. and Ronit, K. (eds). MNCs in Global Politics: Pathways of Influence. Edward Elgar. 

Thurbon, E. C. (2017). Lessons from South Korea: A Developmental Mindset Makes a Difference when Governing the Financial Economy. In J. P. Bohoslavsky, & K. Raffer (Eds.), Sovereign Debt Crises: What Have We Learned? (pp. 236-253). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108227001 

Thurbon, E. C. (2016). Trade and Industry Policy: The Growing Partisan Divide. In M. Beeson, & S. Hameiri (Eds.), Navigating the New International Disorder: Australia In World Affairs 2011-2015. Oxford University Press. 

Thurbon, E. C., & Weiss, L. (2016). The Developmental State in the late 20th Century. In J. Jhosh, R. Kattel, & E. Reinert (Eds.), Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development. Edward Elgar. 

Weiss, L., & Thurbon, E. (2014). The Business of Buying American: Public Procurement as Trade Strategy. In J. Ikenberry, & P. Trubowitz (Eds.), American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays (7 ed.). Oxford University Press. 

Thurbon, E. (2014). Australia: Public purchasing and innovation: The Australian case. In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy: International Perspectives (pp. 35-63). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40258-6_3 

Thurbon, E. C. (2013). Globalization and Industrial Governance: A View from Australia. In C. Tazreiter, & S. Y. Tham (Eds.), Globalization and Social Transformation in the Asia-Pacific (pp. 78-93). Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137298386 

Thurbon, E. C. (2013). Australia. In V. Lember, R. Kattel, & T. Kalvert (Eds.), Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy: International Perspectives (1 ed., pp. 35-63). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40258-6 

Thurbon, E. C. (2012). Ideas and Industrial Governance: Has the Influence of Neoliberalism been Overstated?. In Neoliberalism: Beyond the Free Market (1 ed., pp. 180-203). Cheltnam: Edward Elgar  Publishing Limited. Retrieved from 

Thurbon, E. C. (2012). From Developmentalism to Neoliberalism and Back Again? Governing the Market in Australia from the 1980s to the Present. In K. -S. Chang, B. Fine, & L. Weiss (Eds.), Developmental Politics in Transition : the neoliberal era and beyond (1 ed., pp. 274-298). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Thurbon, E. C. (2007). The Developmental Logic of Financial Liberalisation in Taiwan. In W. Garside (Ed.),  Institutions and Market Economies: The Political Economy of Growth and Development (1 ed., pp. 87-106).  UK: Palgrave Macmillan 




Thurbon, E. 2011: ‘Same But Different: Reviving the Developmental State Model by Revisiting its Ideational Foundations’. Refereed paper, Australian Political Science Association Conference, Canberra. Sept 26-28. 



Toohey, L. Wagner, M. Thurbon, E. Sheargold, E. and Mackey, L. (2022). Weaponised Trade: Mapping the Issues for Australia. Report Prepared for the Commonwealth Government Department of Defence.   

Thurbon, E.  (2017). Next Generation Trade Deals: Opportunities and Risks for Victoria.   Report prepared for the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Government of Victoria, Australia.  



Thurbon E. and Lee, K. (2022) ‘A New Agenda for Australia-Korea Cooperation: Building a Development-Friendly Trade and Investment Regime’. The Asia Society, supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 23 February. 

Thurbon, E., Kim, SY, Tan, H and Mathews J. (2022). ‘Korea’s Green New Deal: A Very Big Deal for Australia’. The Asia Society, supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 15 June. 



Thurbon, E., Kim, SY, Tan, H and Mathews J. (2020) Submission to the Commonwealth Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Consultation Process. 12 June. 

Thurbon, E., Kim, SY, Tan, H and Mathews J. (2020). Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Inquiry into the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Amendment (Grid Reliability Fund) Bill 2020. 

Thurbon, E. (2018). Submission to the Inquiry of the Commonwealth Government Senate’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade into the proposed Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Transpacific Partnership (TPP-11) 12 June.  

Thurbon, E. (2018) Submission to the Commonwealth Government’s Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry into the Proposed TPP-11. 24 April.  

Thurbon, E. (2017) Submission to the Commonwealth Government Joint Select Committee’s Inquiry into Government Procurement. 5 March. 

Thurbon, E. (2016) Submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Inquiry into the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership.   

Thurbon, E. (2016) Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Review of the Australia-US FTA Implementation