Developmental Environmentalism 

Articles, chapters, and reports 

Thurbon, E., SY Kim, H. Tan and J. Mathews (2023):  Developmental Environmentalism: State Ambition and Creative Destruction in East Asia’s Clean Energy Shift. Oxford University Press. (link

Get your copy here.

Read praise for Developmental Environmentalism here.

Mathews, J.A. , Thurbon, E., Kim, S. Y., & Tan, H. (2022). Gone with the wind: how state power and industrial policy in the offshore wind power sector are blowing away the obstacles to East Asia’s green energy transition. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. (link

Thurbon, E., Kim, SY, Tan, H and Mathews J. (2022). ‘Korea’s Green New Deal: A Very Big Deal for Australia’. The Asia Society, supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 15 June. (link)  

Thurbon, E., Kim, S. Y., Mathews, J. A., & Tan, H. (2021). More ‘Creative’ Than ‘Destructive’? Synthesizing Schumpeterian and Developmental State Perspectives to Explain Mixed Results in Korea’s Clean Energy Shift. Journal of Environment and Development, 30(3), 265-290.  doi:10.1177/10704965211013491 (link

Tan, H., Thurbon, E., Kim, S. Y., & Mathews, J. A. (2021). Overcoming incumbent resistance to the clean energy shift: How local governments act as change agents in coal power station closures in China. Energy Policy, 149. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112058 (link

Kim, S. Y., & Thurbon, E. (2015). Developmental Environmentalism: Explaining South Korea’s Ambitious Pursuit of Green Growth. Politics and Society, 43(2), 213-240. doi:10.1177/0032329215571287 (link

Research-based media contributions 

Mathews, J. Thurbon, E., Tan, H., and Kim, SK. (2022). Albanese just laid out a radical new vision for Australia in the region: clean energy exporter and green manufacturer.The Conversation. 14 July. 

Thurbon, E. and Mathews, J. (2022). The Korean Way Towards Green Growth. East Asia Forum. 4 January. 

Tan, H. Thurbon, E. Kim, SY and Mathews, J. (2021): China Closes the Door to Coal. East Asia Forum. 9 November. 

Tan, H. Thurbon, E. Kim, SY and Mathews, J. (2021) The US and China must find a way to cooperate at Cop-26 and Beyond. Otherwise Global Climate Action is Impossible. The Conversation. 25 October.  

Tan, H. Thurbon, E. Kim, SY and Mathews, J. (2021) Forget About the Trade Spat: Coal is Passe in China and that’s a Bigger Problem for Australia. The Conversation. 20 January.  

Kim, S. -Y., Thurbon, E., Tan, H., & Mathews, J. (2020). South Korea's Green New Deal Shows the World What a Smart Economic Recovery Looks Like. The Conversation. 9 September. 

Mathews, J., Thurbon, E., Tan, H., & Kim, S. -Y. (2020). The Case for an East Asian Climate Club led by Australia. East Asia Forum. 31 July. 

Thurbon, E., Kim, S. -Y., Mathews, J., & Tan, H. (2020). Australia's Dangerous Dirty Hydrogen Plans. East Asia Forum. 14 May. 

Thurbon, E., Kim, S. -Y., Mathews, J., & Tan, H. (2020). Want an Economic Tonic Mr Morrison? Use that stimulus money to turbocharge renewables. The Conversation. 1 May 

Mathews, J., Thurbon, E., Kim, S. -Y., & Tan, H. (2020). It might sound ‘batshit insane’ but Australia could soon export sunshine to Asia via a 3,800km cable. The Conversation. 26 February. 

Thurbon, E., Kim, S. -Y., Mathews, J., & Tan, H. (2019). Grand opportunities for Australia’s hydrogen industry, and for a Strategic Regional Rebalancing. East Asia Forum. 18 December. 

Kim, S. -Y., Thurbon, E., Tan, H., & Mathews, J. (2019). China succeeds in greening its economy not because, but in spite of, its authoritarian government. The Conversation. 28 May