University Bridge University Bridge

Book Launch and Energy Policy Networking Event

The UNSW Digital Grid Futures Institute together with the UNSW Energy Institute are delighted to invite you to the launch of the book Developmental Environmentalism, and a lively debate about the need for a more strategic Australian response to global energy policy developments.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Developmental Environmentalism

Why has East Asia emerged as the global leader in green energy industries but - until recently - lagged on carbon emission reduction? What is new and distinctive about East Asia's approach to the green energy transition?

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University Bridge University Bridge

Australia-East Asia - Towards a Green Future

Join Asia Society-Victoria Distinguished Fellow Mr Tatsuya Terazawa, Chairman and CEO of Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and Prof Elizabeth Thurbon, Professor of International Political Economy, UNSW to assess the potential of Australia-East Asia energy relations. The panel will be moderated by the Australia Japan Business Council of Victoria.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Doing Economic Nationalism the Right Way

Not every departure from economic liberalism is as ill-advised as its advocates would have us believe. East Asia's experience suggests that if America's latest foray into economic nationalism remains focused on creating a strong, inclusive domestic economy, it will do much good for the rest of the world.

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University Bridge University Bridge

To become a Renewable Energy Superpower, Australia must match its Strategic Vision with a new Green Energy Statecraft

Although Australia is generally believed to hold an intermediate ranking position in international society, the idea of Australia as an energy superpower should not seem far-fetched. Arguably, Australia is already an energy superpower - but of the ‘non-renewable’ or ‘fossil-fuel’ variety – being the world’s largest exporter of coal, and one of the largest exporters of gas and uranium.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Gone with the wind

Offshore wind power (OWP) is emerging as the fastest growing sector in the global race towards renewables, and likely to emerge in just a few years as the largest segment in absolute terms. It has grown from accounting for just 1% of wind power capacity in 2010 to 10% by 2019 and is anticipated to reach 20% early in the 2020s.

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University Bridge University Bridge

More ‘Creative’ Than ‘Destructive’?

We develop a new way of analysing the state’s strategic role in the clean energy shift. We do so by synthesizing Schumpeterian understandings of ‘creative destruction’ and techno-economic change with cutting-edge developmental state theorizing centred on ‘developmental environmentalism’.

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University Bridge University Bridge

How local governments act as change agent

The article is on an important issue for energy policy- phasing out the use of coal for power generation. Based on a case study of closures of coal power plants in China’s Guangdong province, the researchers find that under certain circumstances, governments - especially those in the provincial and city levels - can and do act as change agents when it comes to retirement of coal fired power stations.

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