University Bridge University Bridge

The case for an East Asian ‘climate club’ led by Australia

The Nobel Prize-winning US economist William Nordhaus fired a salvo recently when he published an article on how to drastically revamp international efforts to deal with climate change. He argued that climate negotiations operate according to a deeply flawed structure that has no chance of success, with no penalties for free-riding and non-membership. He proposed an alternative solution centred on ‘climate clubs’ made up of like-minded nations that would agree between themselves on fundamentals. These would include both a carbon price covering emissions and an agreed tariff on imports from countries that refuse to join the club or are expelled from it.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Want an economic tonic, Mr Morrison? Use that stimulus money to turbocharge renewables

The chaos of COVID-19 has now hit global energy markets, creating an outcome unheard of in industrial history: negative oil prices. With the world’s largest economies largely in lockdown, demand for oil has stagnated.
Essentially, the negative prices mean oil producers are willing to pay for the oil to be taken off their hands because soon, they will have nowhere to store it.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Australia’s dangerous dirty hydrogen plans

Since the COVID-19 crisis began, Australia’s Morrison government has shown itself willing to cast off many of its long-held ideological positions, on everything from budget deficits to stimulus spending and minimum welfare payment levels. But the government appears determined to hold onto its energy policy and the Australian Liberal Party’s obsession with maintaining Australia’s links with fossil fuels

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University Bridge University Bridge

The Future of Trade

The Future of Trade

Presented by QUT Faculty of Law Intellectual Property and Innovation Law Research Program, QUT Institute for Future Environments, and QUT Chair in Digital Economy

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University Bridge University Bridge

There’s no point to Australia’s push to ratify the TPP

With all the debates on whether China will join the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement now that President Trump has officially rejected it, or if the TPP can exist as a 12 nations minus one agreement, you’d be forgiven for thinking it still could go ahead. It can’t.

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University Bridge University Bridge

The Growing Partisan Divide on Trade

Partisan tensions over the desirability of preferential trade deals and the conflation of trade and foreign policy are by no means new to Australia, nor are tensions over the “trade as” vs “trade and industry policy” positions. However, as this extract from Navigating the New International Disorder makes clear, these tensions were amplified over the 2011–15 period thanks largely to key policy elites.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP

President-elect Donald Trump is right: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a damaging deal and deserves to be killed off. But he tells a half truth about why the trade accord among a dozen Pacific Rim nations is a bad deal.

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University Bridge University Bridge

Research Seminar Series, 2016

Explaining the Striking Revival of Financial Activism in South Korea since 1997: Towards an agent-centred understanding of developmental states and their evolution.

Dr Elizabeth Thurbon (UNSW)

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University Bridge University Bridge

How Australia’s trade policy approach is harming Australian firms

Dr Elizabeth Thurbon from UNSW Australia argues the Australian government is disempowering Australian companies

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is just the latest in a string of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) concluded by the Australian government since the 2013 election win, including the China, Korea and Japan deals.

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